Roy’s Blog: “Final Victory”

Psalm 46:10a (NASB) “Be silent, and know that I am God.”

The Middle East continues to be a powder keg. One wrong move by any of several different groups could light the fuse. China continues to build its world outreach towards global economic and military superpower dominance. Europe still has dreams of her glory days, while division pulls her toward unrest and the search for global leadership.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the rumors of war. We are constantly bombarded with strife around the world. It seems as though people have lost their minds. Everyone is on edge, waiting for the next disaster to strike. The senseless loss of life caused by someone caught up in their own delusions.

We as God’s people need to remain calm and pray.

Psalm 22:8 “For the kingdom is the LORD’S, and He rules over the nations.”

Psalm 47:8 “God reigns over the nations; God sits on His holy throne.”


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